Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Glogster! What an Amazing Webtool

Web tools and multimedia are great ways to engage students and create final product presentations.  I love the capabilities that Glogster offers for this.  While looking through the sites' project library I had so many wonderful ideas of how to use this in my teaching and then as a project presentation option for my students.  The MLK example gave me ideas of how it would be a great way for students  to do literature circle cumulative presentations or share their knowledge on biographies they've read.  Teachers could use glogster to introduce topics and get their kids excited about what they are going to learn.  I love the fact that you can embed video, graphics, etc. all into one interactive poster.  If you haven't seen this you have to check it out!


  1. Sounds great! I can't wait to check it out more in depth :)

  2. Let me know if you use this in your class and post on how you used it.
